To wear, or not to wear a mask. That is the question that billions of people have asked themselves since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Different countries’ authorities have given varying advice regarding the effectiveness of a face mask. Initially, some governments, such as those in the United Kingdom and Singapore, stated that the general public … More COVID-19: The PPE

Enantiomers: Thalidomide and Ibuprofen

After learning about enantiomers in September and memorising the key phrases to include in answers such as “non-superimposable mirror images”, “chiral carbon”, “racemate”, “plane polarised light” etc. my teacher briefly mentioned the dependability of enantiomers in pharmaceuticals. I wanted to explore this further. My teacher mentioned ibuprofen and thalidomide and I never thought that I … More Enantiomers: Thalidomide and Ibuprofen

Comparing and Contrasting Physical Properties

Again, this is a chemistry assignment. The official title is “Compare and Contrast the Physical Properties of Iodine, Graphite, Water and Sodium Chloride. Pay Particular Attention to Their Solid States”. I found writing it was slightly repetitive, but it really helped me revise bonding and structure. I have removed citations as WordPress could not cope … More Comparing and Contrasting Physical Properties